How to fill the plant hangers in your wall decor


I wanted to write a short blog for anyone wondering what to put in the small containers of our wall decor designs and plant hangers. While the designs that have plant pots are meant for potting small plants, the designs that have glass containers are a bit more versatile. One thing that accents these pieces nicely while setting the ambiance is battery powered tea light candles! I would recommend putting some crystals, shells or glass pebbles at the bottom of the container and surrounding the tea lights to make it look nice. Make sure you do not use regular candles.

The other use of corse is plants!

One great way to fill these containers is with succulents, especially if you can hang your decor somewhere that gets some direct sunlight. Most succulents are small enough where they will fit nicely in these smaller scale containers. Use a succulent specific soil for best results. Make sure to properly water your succulents.

Another great plant to use is an air plant. Line the bottom of the containers with just a little bit of gravel or sand and put the air plants on top. Air plants take a small amount of water at a time. This substance helps retain the water.

Another great use for these containers is to propagate plants! Make sure to research proper methods for whatever plant you choose to propagate. I have propagated spider plants before by filling the containers with water and putting the trimmings in water to grow a root system before planting.

You can also propagate succulents by cutting trimmings off of a mother plant and replanting them. Refer to You -Tube or other videos for how to do this.

Whatever you choose to put in your wall decor pieces, have fun with it! Make it your own. You can also swap the containers for your own, just make sure they’re not too large to be supported by the plant hangers. One indicator here is that the starting of the tied knots should not be below the middle of the container.

Have fun!



Propagating & Planting Plants for Wall Decor Designs & Plant Hangers